Cultural Mentoring: Eco-Jewish & Interfaith Programs
Sacred Earth-based Programs for Girls: (age 9-12) involving nature awareness, storytelling, earthcrafts, song, prayer exploration
Rites of Passage Programs: (all ages, genders, and traditions) for those in need of earth-based lifecycle transition support via Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, arrival of moon time, status change...
Wilderness Trips: (ages 9 – 90 single or mixed gender groups) in NH, VT, ME, or NY backpacking, paddling, nordic skiing, biking rooted in various themes
Retreats: (hebrew schools, youth groups, families, &/or interfaith networks) weekend gatherings, Shabbatons, vacation camps
Community Service: (for all ages & genders) projects helping support people and/or habitat in Vermont
Seasonal Rituals & New Moon Gatherings: open to all in the earth community while some are for those identifying as women
Curriculum Development & Creative, Dynamic, Experiential programs: for traditional & alternative hebrew school, Jewish, Interfaith & Nature Mentoring organizations
Our Rates are sliding scale. For more information, please contact us and we can send you our rate page.
©2025; 5785, Roots and Trails L3C