We are responsive so, stay tuned for updates as they arise!! ![]() Our previous service of offering frequent programs has shifted to more sporadic based on need. However, Roots & Trails still lives!
YP's current outward service is ecological resilience through mycoevolve.net Roots & Trails nurtures local Jewish Communities oriented towards liberation for all with our earth-based, mindful, Chassidissa, Kohenet, Divine Feminine lens of this tradition. We welcome reciprocal, regenerative collaborations. |
From: Grounded in ancient times when our ancestors lived closed to the land honoring the Divine Feminine, Roots & Trails offers dynamic, curiosity-centered, ecological education & mentoring; rooted in honoring the enduring Abenaki Original Peoples of this land, they call N'dakinna, while we investigate and share diverse practices across the Jewish spectrum from exodus wilderness to kabbalistic to neohasidic through renewal in the modern diaspora. In acknowledging the displacement of peoples from their homelands, participants are invited to consciously explore, experiment, relax into, and be empowered to support justice, healing, revitalization, and peace momentum in the world through these portals into interfaith networks.
How: Roots and Trails supports individuals, families & organizations in Jewish, interfaith multi - generational rituals, ceremonies, rites of passage processes, retreats, workshops, wilderness ventures, and collaborative projects that contribute to an evolving network of cocreative biocentric culture rehabilitation. Nurturing these core relationships allows ancestral roots of all traditions to engage together in the medicine work of equality and balance. ![]() Please contact us with any interests, ideas, suggestions, and/or questions. Thank you! Currently every few weeks when in town, Yepeth Perla and friends offer a Kabbalat Shabbas service on the shores of Lake Bitawabagok, in our home, or nearby shelters. Children, instruments, prayers, teachings, food to share, and wholesome games are welcome. We also host other events such as nature meditations, rituals for holidays, festivals, and life cycle rites so feel free to join our network and meet other earth based Jews oriented to peace and equity for all! If interested to join us, email [email protected] with "Roots and Trails Network" in the subject line and I will send the whatsap group invite.
When at retreats, gatherings, and events elsewhere during Shabbas we offer a low key opportunity to welcome in the Sabbath with music, meditation, and participatory teachings. |
©2025,5785, Roots and Trails L3C